Shandong Launched a Three-Year Campaign for Special Rectification of the Construction Market! Crack down on Illegal Activities in the Field of Engineering Construction

from:Network date:2022-11-18 reading:1800

In 2025, Shandong will realize full coverage of electronic supervision in construction market
On November 16, Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a press briefing to interpret the "three-year action plan for special rectification of Shandong construction market" issued recently. The plan comprehensively laid out the special rectification work of Shandong's construction market in the next three years, proposing that by 2025, the supervision efficiency will be greatly improved, the development environment will be obviously optimized, and the electronic supervision will be fully covered, the goal of a more standardized market order and a significant improvement in the modernization level of the construction market governance system and governance capability. The high-quality development of the construction industry requires a good market environment and a standardized market order. Wang runxiao, deputy director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shandong province, introduced that the plan adheres to problem orientation, demand orientation, goal orientation and effect orientation, and takes perfecting the market supervision system as the main line, on the basis of strict market supervision and law enforcement, with the goal of optimizing the development environment of the industry, 19 specific measures will be taken to make a comprehensive layout of the special rectification work of the construction market in Shandong from 2022 to 2025. In view of the fact that the upstream and downstream of the construction industry involve a wide range of categories and the construction market involves complex subjects, the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Department of Shandong province actively connects with relevant units such as provincial courts and provincial procuratorates, explore and improve the mechanism of "execution connection" and the linkage mechanism of departments, plus-sized the intensity of information sharing, expand the sources of clues; Communicate and coordinate with the provincial Development and Reform Commission and other departments, and further strengthen the supervision of bidding and bidding. Through the establishment of a three-dimensional supervision system involving multi-departments, multi-level supervision and multi-link control, and the establishment of a dense supervision grid, we will actively build a governance pattern of joint management by all relevant departments at all levels to form an effective shock. This year's work report of the provincial government clearly puts forward specific requirements such as "focusing on innovating social governance and rectifying the market order in the field of engineering construction. The plan closely follows the relevant requirements of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government to optimize the business environment, and has carried out an all-round layout around the supervision work of the construction market. Horizontally, from perfecting the system and perfecting the system to regulating the behavior of market subjects and cracking down on illegal acts, specific deployment arrangements have been made, with more efforts and comprehensive coverage; Vertically, from finding out the market base, strictly regulate the market order, establish and improve the online supervision system, strengthen the construction of supervision team, strengthen the joint construction of departments and smooth complaint reporting, and push forward and deepen gradually, it provides specific guidance and requirements for housing and construction departments at all levels to promote the implementation of special rectification actions. The tendering and bidding activities of engineering construction projects generally involve huge amounts of money and involve multiple interests. It is an area that the vast number of market subjects and practitioners pay close attention to, and it is also a link that causes frequent problems in the construction market. The plan adheres to the idea of big data, big supervision and Big use. Based on the provincial public resource transaction supervision system, it promotes the interconnection and information sharing of provincial and municipal public resource transaction supervision systems. Establish a big data analysis system for bidding and bidding, activate the automatic early warning function, and remotely supervise the real-time and remote housing construction municipal engineering projects for online bidding in the whole province, so as to realize "one network of supervision" and comprehensively improve the supervision efficiency. At present, there are many platforms involved in the field of housing and urban-rural construction in Shandong, which respectively involve various businesses such as enterprise production and operation, project approval, registration personnel management, bidding and bidding transaction supervision and wage payment for migrant workers, some platforms also need to be jointly managed across departments. Enterprises need to fill in information separately on different platforms. The filling contents are repeated and the filling tasks are complicated. In order to minimize the burden of production and operation of enterprises, the plan takes "establishing information mutual recognition and sharing mechanism" as a key task to promote electronic systems, integrated platforms, the industrial reform system is horizontally interconnected, and relevant data is collected and collected to the integrated platform at the same level, which effectively reduces the burden of enterprise information reporting and improves the accuracy of platform information.

Focus on cracking down on these behaviors! Shandong launched a three-year campaign for special rectification of the construction market

Shandong is a big province of traditional construction industry, with a large number of construction projects and a large number of employees. There are still some problems that are not standardized and difficult to solve in the field of engineering construction. Zhang Jincheng, director of the law enforcement supervision bureau of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shandong province, introduced that since this year, the province's housing construction system has conscientiously implemented the relevant work arrangements of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, combined with the "3 N" package city assistance, project quality and safety supervision, construction market "double random, one open" inspection and so on, in the aspects of migrant workers' wage clearance, on-site law enforcement inspection and so on, planning in advance, overall arrangement, orderly promotion, the overall market order is good. However, the order rectification of the construction market is a long-term work. The next step will be to deploy and strengthen law enforcement from the following aspects.

Focus on investigating and punishing illegal bidding activities. According to the "plan", Shandong will further crack down on the behaviors of avoiding bidding, false bidding, colluding bidding, deviating from bidding documents to sign contracts, setting unreasonable qualification conditions, performance thresholds, credit indicators and other discrimination against potential bidders, through severely investigating and punishing the illegal behavior of the subject of bidding and bidding, severely cracking down on the unhealthy trend of curbing the bidding market, forming a strong deterrent to the main body of the market and striving to create a good business environment.

Severely crack down on illegal contracting. According to the plan, Shandong will conscientiously implement the documents of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, such as the measures for the management of the identification and investigation of illegal behaviors of construction contracting and contracting, etc., focusing on cracking down on unlicensed construction, any act such as compressing the contract duration, dismember the contract, contracting the business without (over) qualification, subcontracting and illegal subcontracting, lending (affiliated) qualification, and issuing false reports, standardize the identification, investigation and management of illegal acts in contracting and contracting activities of construction projects, ensure project quality and construction safety, effectively curb illegal acts in contracting and contracting activities, maintain the order of the construction market and the legitimate rights and interests of the main participants in the construction project.

Highlight the rectification of wage arrears of migrant workers. Migrant workers have made great and unique contributions to national construction and development, and they must be guaranteed to get timely and full remuneration for their hard work. Shandong will conscientiously implement the regulations on ensuring the payment of wages of migrant workers and the measures for the management of real-name system of construction workers (trial), focusing on cracking down on the failure of construction units to provide construction units with project funds of guarantee of payment, if Labor expenses are not allocated to the special wage households of migrant workers in full monthly amount, the general contractor does not implement the generation system, does not pay the wages of migrant workers in full monthly amount, and the participating units do not implement real-name management and other illegal acts according to regulations, plus-sized the punishment for the behavior of defaulting wages of migrant workers forms a shock of "dare not owe.

Carry out two joint inspections on the market site."Two linkage" is conducive to guiding construction enterprises to strengthen self-discipline awareness, maintaining fair competition market order, and also conducive to the source management of engineering quality and safety issues. The "plan" requires all departments at all levels to supervise and inspect the performance of quality and safety responsibilities of enterprises in the market supervision and inspection, focusing on the primary responsibility of construction units and the implementation of the main responsibility of general contracting units; during the quality and safety supervision and inspection on the construction site, the company's market violations that may lead to quality and safety problems will be supervised and rectified together to promote the synchronization and standardization of project quality and safety and enterprise market behavior, synchronization is improved.