Pan-Pacific Aluminum Summit Forum and 2022 Th International (Sanya) Aluminum Industry Chain Green Development Summit Forum

from:Network date:2022-11-18 reading:1976

On November 16, the 2022 Aluminum Industry week with the theme of "Science and Technology Empowerment, green development, and aluminum creating the future" kicked off in Sanya city, Hainan province, at the same time, Pan-Pacific Aluminum Summit Forum and 2022th International (Sanya) aluminum industry chain Green Development Summit Forum were held. Lu Zhengfeng, chairman and general manager of Nanshan Aluminum, and other representatives of domestic backbone aluminum enterprises were invited to attend the meeting and speak. Ge Honglin, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, secretary of the Party committee and president of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Meeting Site

Ge Honglin stressed that the development environment of China's aluminum industry is undergoing profound changes, facing new problems and challenges. Therefore, he put forward five opinions on the hot spots of industry development: first, focus on high-quality development and consolidate the global leading position; Second, focus on resource guarantee and build the cornerstone of industrial development; Third, focus on energy conservation and emission reduction, accelerate the green development of the industry; Fourth, focus on the new economic development, internal and external double circulation; Fifth, focus on the industry problems and win the battle of scientific and technological research.

Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association

Ge Honglin, secretary and president of the Party Committee

In the CEO dialogue session, Lu Zhengfeng, chairman and general manager of Nanshan Aluminum industry, made a wonderful speech. He pointed out that Nanshan Aluminum industry gradually established the business philosophy of "highlighting the main business and chain operation" through practice in its development. At present, the domestic industry has established a complete industrial chain, forming a complete industrial chain layout from upstream smelting to downstream deep processing. Through continuous integration, optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain, Nanshan Aluminum has formed a complete value creation system. Nanshan Aluminum is currently the only listed company in China that can supply automobile plates in batches. It is also the enterprise with the fastest certification speed, the largest number of certification manufacturers and the most complete certification alloy in China.

In recent years, Nanshan Aluminum Industry has adhered to the development strategy of "innovation-driven, high-end manufacturing and deep processing". Focusing on high-end manufacturing deep plough, Nanshan Aluminum industry has formed high-end products such as automobile board, aviation board, power battery foil, etc, with the multi-level product pattern, some products have achieved a leap from the runner, the Walker to the leader, and are marching towards the international leading aluminum processing enterprises.

LV Zhengfeng, chairman and general manager of Nanshan Aluminum

LV Zhengfeng said that Nanshan Aluminum attaches importance to international cooperation and constantly accelerates the pace of internationalization. In 2015, in order to strengthen the layout of overseas markets and respond to the national call of "One Belt and One Road", Indonesia's industrial park plan was launched, and 2 million tons of alumina project was invested and put into production in May 2021, the whole project will be put into operation in October this year; The next step will actively carry out the industrial chain extension layout, demonstrate the feasibility of electrolytic aluminum program, and discuss projects such as long-term aluminum processing and recycled aluminum. Nanshan Aluminum will build overseas aluminum industrial chain parks based on Indonesian projects, and introduce projects such as expanding renewable energy, environmental protection projects, petrochemical refining and chemical industries to turn Indonesia industrial parks into overseas multi-functional industrial parks.

On the overall development idea of Nanshan Aluminum industry's future aluminum sector, LV Zhengfeng said that Nanshan Aluminum industry will continue to improve its independent research and development capabilities, continuously lay out high-end product fields, and adhere to the development of low-carbon green, to become the world's advanced supplier of aviation and automobile materials, we will make greater contributions to the glorious dream of revitalizing the national aluminum industry and boosting the better development of China's aluminum processing industry.