Heavy Baked! 20 Listed Companies in the Building Decoration Industry Disclosed the Performance Forecast of 2022

from:Network date:2023-02-09 reading:1360

There are 24 listed companies in the architectural decoration industry, 20 of which disclosed the performance forecast of 2022, of which 5 turned losses into profits, 2 fell in the same direction, and 13 were expected to lose; four companies did not disclose the performance forecast. A. Enterprises that are expected to turn losses into profits (5): Golden Mantis, Jianhe group, Yasha shares, Ruihe shares and Jianyi Group. B. Enterprises that are expected to decline in the same direction (2): China Construction, Weiye shares C, enterprises that are expected to lose money (13): all construction shares, Baoying shares, Kelida, Hainan Development, hongtao shares, ST Guangtian, ST Honggao, Dongyi Risheng, * ST Qixin, Zheng Zhong design, Meizhi shares, Luan competition, minkave D, undisclosed performance forecast Enterprises (4): innovation resources, if the content of the performance forecast is audited, * ST Qixin will withdraw from the market this year, ST Guangtian and ST Honggao will be warned of the risk of withdrawing from the market. The details are as follows: golden Mantis: the expected net profit of turning losses into profits in 2022 is 1.05 billion yuan-1.35 billion yuan. On January 30, Gold Mantis released its 2022 performance forecast showing that Gold Mantis is expected to turn losses into profits in 2022. According to the announcement, during the reporting period, gold mantis achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 1.05 billion yuan to 1.35 billion yuan, with a loss of 4.95 billion yuan in the same period last year; In the fourth quarter of 2022, the company signed 5 billion new orders; however, according to the three quarterly reports of 2022 released by the company, the company's revenue and other financial data all declined year on year. In addition, the performance differentiation of companies in the same industry is obvious, and only three companies, including Gold Mantis, are expected to have a net profit of over 100 million. Jianghe group: estimated net profit in 2022 is RMB 0.45 billion-RMB 0.53 billion in 2022, jianghe group is expected to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of about 0.45 billion yuan-0.53 billion yuan, and is expected to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses of about 0.28 billion yuan-0.36 billion yuan. In 2022, the company achieved a bid winning value of 23.554 billion yuan, down 10.9 percent year-on-year. Among them, the bid winning curtain wall system was 14.195 billion yuan, down 2.35 percent year-on-year, and the bid winning interior installation system was 9.359 billion yuan, down 21.34 percent year-on-year; in 2021, the company achieved a bid winning value of 26.4 billion yuan, an increase of about 10% year-on-year. Among them, the curtain wall business order was about 14.536 billion yuan, an increase of 3.28% year-on-year, and the interior installation business order was about 11.898 billion yuan, A year-on-year increase of 18.57 percent. Yasha shares: estimated net profit in 2022 is RMB 0.16 billion-RMB 0.23 billion yasha stock predicts that in 2022, the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will be 0.16 billion yuan to 0.23 billion yuan, and the net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses will be 0.08 billion yuan to 0.15 billion yuan, turning losses into profits year-on-year; in the same period of last year, the above indicators were a loss of 0.888 billion yuan and a loss of 0.942 billion yuan respectively. Ruihe shares: estimated net profit in 2022 is 4.5 million yuan-6.5 million yuan ruihe shares released the annual performance forecast. The company expects that from January to December 2022, the company will calculate the loss. The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies is 4.5 million-6.5 million, and the net profit will increase by 100.24% to 100.35% year on year. The main reason for the change of the company's performance is that due to the impact of evergrande's debt default in 2021, the company made special provision for impairment of relevant assets based on the principle of prudence, resulting in the company's net profit loss in 2021. In 2022, in addition to evergrande's business, ruihe shares maintained sustained and stable development and continuously undertook a number of high-quality decoration design and construction projects. At the same time, under the current national double carbon goal, relying on the first-mover advantage in photovoltaic field, the company develops photovoltaic EPC project. Jianyi Group: net profit of 2022 was RMB 10 million-RMB 15 million, turning losses into profits year-on-year on January 30, the 2022 performance forecast released by Jianyi Group showed that the company turned losses into profits in 2022. According to the announcement, during the reporting period, jianyi group achieved a net profit of 10 million yuan to 15 million yuan attributable to shareholders of listed companies, while it lost 0.922 billion yuan after major asset restructuring in the same period last year. Compared with the reorganization of the same period last year, the expected change range is 101.02%-101.53%; Compared with the reorganization of the same period last year, the expected change range is 101.08%-101.63%. Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses is a loss of 82 million yuan-87 million yuan, which is expected to change by 91.08%-91.59% compared with that before the reorganization in the same period last year; Compared with that after the reorganization in the same period last year, the expected change range is 90.57%-91.11%. Medium installation construction: estimated net profit in 2022 is 0.013 billion yuan to 0.018 billion yuan the performance forecast issued by china loading construction on january 30 shows that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 is expected to be 0.013 billion yuan to 0.018 billion yuan, down 83.08% to 87.78% year-on-year and 106.379 million yuan in the same period last year. Weiye shares: estimated net profit in 2022 is RMB 4.5 million-RMB 7.5 million on January 30, Weiye shares released the performance report for 2022, and it is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 will be 450-7.5 million yuan, down by 79.63%~ 87.78% year on year; net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses is 50-3.5 million yuan. Baoying shares: in 2022, it is expected to lose more than 1.4 billion yuan to receive a letter of concern from Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On January 30, Baoying shares disclosed the performance forecast for 2022. The company expects the net profit of the parent in 2022 to be-1.4 billion yuan to-2.1 billion yuan, compared with-1.652 billion yuan in the same period last year. As for the reasons for the continued loss of performance, the company claims that it is caused by the comprehensive influence of factors such as calculating and drawing large impairment reserves, confirming large investment losses, and decreasing the scale of output value. On February 2, Baoying shares received a letter of concern from Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Shenzhen Stock Exchange asked the company to explain the specific situation of customer receivables by the end of 2022, and combined with customer credit risk and payment, explain the company's evaluation basis for the recoverability of relevant funds and the compliance and rationality of calculating and drawing up large impairment reserves. Collida: Estimated annual net profit in 2022 is-0.21 billion yuan to-0.315 billion yuan kelida released a performance forecast on the evening of january 30. It is estimated that the company's net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company in 2022 will be-0.21 billion yuan to-0.315 billion yuan. From January to December 2021, the composition of Kelida's operating income was: the proportion of decoration accounted. Meizhi shares: pre-loss of RMB 0.13 billion-RMB 0.195 billion in 2022 meizhi shares released performance forecast. The company expects a net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 of 0.13 billion yuan to 0.195 billion yuan, and a loss of 0.16 billion yuan in the same period last year. Dongyi Risheng: estimated net profit loss of RMB 0.65 billion-RMB 0.8 billion in 2022 dongyi Risheng released a performance forecast on the evening of January 30. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will lose 0.65 billion yuan to 0.8 billion yuan in 2022, from profit to loss year-on-year. Basic earnings per share loss 1.55 yuan 1.91 yuan. In the same period last year, the basic earnings per share were 0.18 yuan. The main reason for the performance change is that the repeated domestic new crown epidemic and the decline of customers' willingness to consume during the reporting period have reduced or delayed the demand for decoration business, and the company's business expansion and signing orders have been adversely affected; the phased epidemic prevention and control in various regions and the spread of the epidemic in the fourth quarter have also affected the cycle and progress of the company's signed order carry-over and reduced revenue. At the beginning of the reporting period, the company formulated an active marketing strategy, plus-sized investment in brand building, business promotion and customer source expansion. Many digital home improvement stores and decoration samples opened one after another also began to be amortized, this leads to an increase in sales expenses. Hong Tao shares: estimated net loss of 0.583 billion yuan to 0.66 billion yuan in 2022 hong tao shares recently released the annual performance forecast for 2022. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will lose 0.583 billion yuan-0.66 billion yuan in 2022 and 220.0279 million yuan in the same period last year, the year-on-year expansion loss is 164.97%-199.96%. Operating income: 1,340 million yuan-1,400 million yuan, 2,590.6134 million yuan in the same period last year. Zheng Zhong design: estimated net profit loss in 2022: 0.155 billion yuan-0.23 billion yuan zheng Zhong designed to release the performance forecast on the evening of January 19. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will lose 0.155 billion yuan to 0.23 billion yuan in 2022, from profit to loss year-on-year. The main reason for the performance change is that during the reporting period, due to the continuous impact of the macro environment and the epidemic, the company's project cycle has been lengthened, and the rate of customer payment has slowed down, resulting in a decline in income and an overall increase in the age of receivables, the settlement and payment progress of some old projects are not as expected, affecting various financial indicators during the reporting period. In addition, since the company became more famous as the main business "design business" in May 2020, the company has strategically reduced the "Decoration Engineering business" and cautiously undertaken engineering business orders, resulting in a decline in operating income and net profit. Hainan Development: Estimated annual net profit loss in 2022: RMB 0.12 billion-RMB 0.16 billion hainan Development released a performance forecast on the evening of January 30. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will lose 0.12 billion yuan to 0.16 billion yuan in 2022, from profit to loss year-on-year. The main reason for the performance change is that the main product of the company's holding subsidiary, shanghai control sacin (bengbu) new energy materials co., ltd. is photovoltaic glass products. This period is affected by the market environment and the price increase of bulk commodities, due to the falling price of photovoltaic glass and the rising price of energy and raw materials, the unit cost increased by more than 10%, resulting in a sharp drop in the gross profit margin of the company in this period compared with the same period last year. Affected by the new Crown epidemic, the implementation progress of some curtain wall projects in the company has lagged behind in stages, resulting in a decrease in the income of curtain wall projects in this period compared with the previous year and a loss in profits. Competition: expected net profit to loss in 2022 according to the performance forecast of 2022 disclosed by luosai recently, the company expects the net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 to be 152.2436 million yuan to 163.8481 million yuan, and the profit in the same period last year was 13.2899 million yuan; net profit loss after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was 165.6614 million yuan to 177.266 million yuan, and loss was 9.4737 million yuan in the same period last year. Minkave: estimated net loss in 2022rmb 0.34 billion-RMB 0.44 billion on january 31, minkave, the company announced that its operating income in 2022 was 0.12 billion yuan to 0.15 billion yuan; Its net loss was 0.34 billion yuan to 0.44 billion yuan, compared with a loss of 526.8719 million yuan in the same period last year. During the reporting period, the main reasons for the company's performance loss and operating income to drop sharply compared with the previous year are: affected by the epidemic and the slowdown in macroeconomic growth, the overall decline of the company's industry, at the same time, the intensification of market competition leads to the decline of the company's market share. Full Construction shares: pre-loss in 2022rmb 1.05 billion-RMB 1.5 billion on January 30, quanzhu shares released the announcement of the pre-loss of 2022's performance, and the company expects to realize the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company in 2022---- 1.05 billion yuan to-1.5 billion yuan; it is estimated that the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses will be realized in 2022-1.049 billion yuan to-1.499 billion yuan; it is estimated that the net assets attributable to the owner of the parent company at the end of 2022 will be-40 million yuan to-0.5 billion yuan. If the company's audited net assets attributable to the owner of the parent company in 2022 are negative, according to relevant regulations, the company's shares will be subject to delisting risk warning after the disclosure of the annual report in 2022. Qixin: estimated net loss of 20 million yuan to 35 million yuan in 2022 qixin recently released a performance forecast for 2022, showing that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 was a loss of 20 million yuan to 35 million yuan; The same period last year was a loss of 1747.8641 million yuan. Operating income is estimated to be 1,300 million yuan to 1700 million yuan, compared with 1,453.4241 million yuan in the same period last year. According to the company's preliminary accounting, it is estimated that the owner's equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company at the end of 2022is-96 million yuan to-68 million yuan. According to the provisions of item (2) of article 9.3.11 of the listing rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (revised in 2022), if the owner's equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company in the audited annual report of 2022 is negative, the company's stock will be terminated after disclosing the annual report of 2022. Guangtian group: pre-loss of 3 billion yuan-4.5 billion yuan or risk of delisting on January 30, Shenzhen Guangtian Group Co., Ltd. announced that the overdue principal of bank debt was 0.409 billion yuan. Up to now, the principal of the company and its subsidiaries overdue banks and other financial institutions has exceeded 4 billion yuan. It is reported that since 2007, Guangtian group and Evergrande Group have reached strategic cooperation. Until 2020, Evergrande has been the largest customer of Guangtian group, with a proportion of business income as high. However, the debt crisis of evergrande broke out in the second half of 2021, and the failure of relevant project contracts led to a sharp drop in the project operation rate and increased liquidity pressure, which restricted the daily operation and business expansion of guangtian group, resulting in annual performance losses. According to the performance forecast of 2022 released by Guangtian recently, Guangtian Group expects its net assets at the end of 2022 to be-3.98 billion yuan to-2.48 billion yuan, achieving operating income of 2.3 billion yuan to 3.4 billion yuan and net profit loss of 3 billion yuan to 4.5 billion yuan. In addition, Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a letter of concern on January 30, expressing concern that Guangtian Group expects its net assets to be negative at the end of the period, and the company's stock trading may be subject to the risk of delisting. Honggao: estimated loss of RMB 0.35 billion-RMB 0.45 billion in 2022 honggao announced on January 31 that the company expects the net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 to RMB 0.35 billion-0.45 billion. The company expects the net assets at the end of 2022 to be-260 million yuan to-160 million yuan. According to relevant regulations, after the disclosure of the annual report in 2022, if the company's audited net assets in 2022 are negative, the company's stock trading will be subject to the risk warning of delisting.