Zhenshi Set Sail | Germany Technology Youpin Regional Summit and 315 Kick-off Meeting (Foshan Railway Station) Were Successfully Held!

from:Network date:2023-02-13 reading:1347

Fire 315, full fire to win the terminal! On February 10-11, the German technology premium doors and windows regional summit and 315 kick-off meeting (Foshan Railway station) were successfully held. This meeting gathered dealers from the four provinces in South China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Hainan) to talk about new opportunities for development at the beginning of the year, explore new strategic models in 2023, and go to a new journey hand in hand!

315 is the first battle for economic recovery after the epidemic, and it is also the key to brand promotion and value promotion! Deji Youpin anchored the market consumption boom, taking the lead in shining sword, strive for industry development "Vanguard"!


Make a decision and make a new record

At the beginning of the meeting, lei Shaojun, chairman of Deji Youpin doors and windows, and Zhao Zhongxiang, general manager of Deji Youpin doors and windows marketing, respectively took the stage to make pre-war mobilization speeches.. Lei Dong said that 315 was the first battle, and it was necessary to focus on the layout of the terminal multi-channel system to attract passenger flow, increase sales volume and generate profits for the stores, helping the performance burst to a new high.

Mr. Lei Shaojun, chairman of Deji Youpin doors and windows

The LaCorne sounded and the war drum stirred. The inspiring speeches of the leaders attracted continuous applause from the scene. All the members were passionate and struggling to fight 315!

Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang, general manager of door and window marketing of Deji Youpin

Then, mr. Zhao announced the distributor incentive system in 2023, let everyone be able to "work hard" in the new year, and seize the market opportunity with the mentality of never ending the goal!


Do your best to help the market

Chen Jianming, director of Deji Youpin doors and windows region, Wang Yong, director of Assembly, and Zhou Liqing, director of business school it explains in detail how to help the Terminal Team to penetrate the market and layout marketing. 315 as the first bonus of the new year, manufacturers should join hands to play the spirit of 12 points, first "eat" as respect! Maximize the integration and utilization of resources and win the ultimate goal!

Mr. Chen Jianming, regional director

Mr. Wang Yong, Assembly director

Ms. Zhou Liqing, director of business school

As the old saying goes, "If you don't fight unprepared battles, you can be invincible." If a team wants to win, it must have sufficient knowledge and skills to meet the market demand in order to form its own advantages. This meeting, deji Youpin invited several training instructors to give personal guidance on the spot, focusing on three major courses-"old belt New", "different industry Channel" and "Model House channel construction" to explain professional knowledge, fully assist the terminal operation, help the store's online and offline traffic burst, and make a good start!

Sales manager Mr. Mai Yuanqiang

On-site explanation by training teachers


Honor Coronation, never lose your original heart

Behind every glory, there is sweat and hard work, which is the result of all dealer partners to overcome difficulties! German technology excellent products doors and windows set up "absolute growth Breakthrough Award" "annual performance Outstanding Contribution Award" "annual performance Crown Asian season Award" to commend outstanding dealer partners, thank you for your contribution and support all the time. We will surely shine more brightly on the track in the new year!

Annual Performance Champion

Absolute Growth Breakthrough Award

Annual Outstanding Contribution Award


Pledge to build a win-win situation

Sail and steer to help sail, draw a sword and shine a sheath to see the true chapter. Regional director Chen Jianming led all dealer partners to sign military orders, all members made a warm-blooded oath to fight for a better tomorrow! A high oath explained the determination and courage of Germany's excellent products to prepare for the battle, and the atmosphere on the scene reached a climax instantly! With the same goal and belief, manufacturers will join hands to win the first victory in the first year!

Verify Brand Power!

315 National linkage promotion activities

Fight for honor, clear the clouds and see the light

We are bound to achieve!