Ministry of Housing and Construction | GB55037-2022 Mandatory New Regulations Come! Implemented on June 1!

from:Network date:2023-03-23 reading:1778

From June 1, 2023, the new version of the national standard "General Code for building fire prevention" issued by the Ministry of Housing and construction will be implemented. This specification is a mandatory engineering construction specification, and all provisions must be strictly implemented. At the same time, 781 mandatory provisions related to engineering construction standards were abolished.

The following is a comparison list of the contents of the large changes between GB 55037-2022 general code for building fire protection and GB 50016-2014 code for building fire protection design (2018 edition):

Analysis of changes in new specifications and old specifications

2.2.3 except for buildings with special requirements and class a workshops, fire rescue ports shall be set on the exterior wall of the building to facilitate the access of fire rescue personnel, and the following provisions shall be met:

2 buildings without external windows shall be provided with fire rescue ports on each floor, and buildings with external windows shall be provided with fire rescue ports on each floor from the third floor.

3 The net height and net width of the fire rescue port should not be less than 1.0m. When using the door, the net width should not be less than 0.8m.

7.2.4 The external walls of factory buildings, warehouses and public buildings should set windows for fire rescue personnel to enter at appropriate positions on each floor.

7.2.5 The net height and width of the window for fire rescue personnel should not be less than 1.0M

Added exemption clauses for special buildings and Class A workshops without setting fire rescue windows;

The fire rescue window is set from each floor to: Requirements for setting from the third floor when there is an outer window;

Increase the regulation that when the door is used, the net width of the fire rescue window can be at least 0.8m.

2.2.10 fire elevators shall comply with the following provisions:

3 the waterproof performance grade of the power and control cable of the elevator, the connection place of the control panel and the shell of the control panel shall not be lower than IPX5;

6 lift car internal terminal equipment of dedicated fire Intercom telephone and video surveillance system shall be set up.

7.3.8 fire elevators shall comply with the following provisions:

4 The power and control cables, wires and control panels of elevators should take waterproof measures;

7. Special fire Intercom telephone shall be set inside the lift car.

It is clear that the waterproof performance level of the shell of the elevator power control cable should not be lower than IPX5;

Added lift car requirements for setting up video surveillance systems

3.2.1 The Fire Prevention distance between Class A workshops and crowded places should not be less than 50m, and the fire prevention distance with open flame or sparking site should not be less than 30m.

3.2.2 the fire prevention distance between class a warehouses and high-rise civil buildings and civil buildings with crowded places should not be less than 50m, and the fire prevention distance between class a warehouses should not be less than 20m.

3.2.3 except for item 5 and item 6 of category B warehouse, the fire protection distance between Category B warehouse and high-rise civil buildings and other civil buildings with crowded places should not be less than 50m.

3.4.2 The Fire Prevention distance between Class A workshop and important public buildings should not be less than 50m, and the fire prevention distance between Class A workshop and important public buildings should not be less than 30m with open flame or sparking site.

3.5.1 The Fire distance between Class A warehouses and other buildings, open flames or sparking site, railways, roads, etc. shall not be less than the provisions in Table 3.5.1 (50m for important public buildings).

3.5.2(3) except for the 6th item of class B, the fire protection distance between class B warehouse and civil buildings should not be less than 25m, and the fire protection distance between class B warehouse and important public buildings should not be less than 50m

"Important public buildings" is changed to "crowded places" 3.4.2 the following buildings should set fire lanes along at least two long sides of the building:

1 high-rise workshop, single, multi-storey class a, class B and class c workshop covering an area of more than 3000 m²;

2 Class B and Class C warehouses covering an area of more than 1500m²;

3 hangar

7.1.3 Fire lanes should be set in the factory and warehouse area.

High-rise factory buildings, class a, class B and class c factories with an area of more than 3000 m2 and class B and class c warehouses with an area of more than 1500 m2, should be set up with circular fire truck lanes. When there are indeed difficulties, fire lanes should be set along the two long sides of the building.

"Ring fire lane should be set" changed to "fire lane should be set along at least two long sides of the building" 3.4.5 fire lane or the road which is also used as fire lane should comply with the following provisions:

4 the slope should meet the requirements of normal traffic of fire engines when they are fully loaded, and should not be greater than 10%, which is also used as a fire truck lane in the fire rescue site. The slope should also meet the requirements of fire truck docking and fire rescue operations;

6 the end fire truck lane with a length of more than 40m should be set up with the site or road meeting the rotation requirements of the fire truck

7.1.8 fire truck lane shall meet the following requirements:

5 The slope of the fire lane should not be greater than 8%.

7.1.9 at least two circular fire truck lanes should be connected with other lanes. The end-type fire truck lane should be set to return lane or return yard. The area of return yard should not be less than 12m × 12m; For high-rise buildings, it should not be less than 15m × 15m; When used by heavy fire engines, not less than 18m × 18m

The gradient of the fire lane is changed from "not more than 8%" to "not more than 10%"

When the length of the lane is greater than 40m, the end fire truck lane should be set to return lane or return yard.

3.4.6 high-rise buildings should set up fire truck climbing operation sites along at least one of the long sides. If the fire engine is not continuously arranged to climb up the operating site, it should be ensured that the rescue operation scope of the fire engine can cover all fighting fire response surface of the building.

7.2.1 high-rise buildings should be continuously arranged along at least one long side or the l/4 of the peripheral length and not less than one long side length of the bottom side of the fire truck climbing operation site, the depth of the podium within this range should not be greater than 4m;

For buildings with a height of no more than 50m, when it is really difficult to continuously arrange the fire truck to climb up the operating site, it can be arranged at intervals, but the interval should not be more than 30m, and the total length of the fire truck climbing operation site should still comply with the above provisions

The new standard does not state that buildings larger than 50m must be continuously arranged with fire truck climbing operation site, nor does it state the minimum length requirement of fire truck climbing operation site.

4.1.4 when the equipment houses built independently such as fuel oil or gas boiler, fuel oil oil-immersed transformers, fuel-filled high-voltage capacitor and multi-oil switch, diesel generator shelter are adjacent to civil buildings, they should be separated by firewalls, and should not be attached to crowded places in adjacent buildings. When the above equipment room is attached to the building, it shall comply with the following provisions:

1 when it is located on the upper layer, the lower layer or adjacent to the crowded place, measures should be taken to prevent the explosion of the equipment room from endangering the upper layer, the lower layer or adjacent places.

5.4.12 fuel oil or gas boiler, oil-immersed transformers, high-voltage capacitor filled with fuel oil and multi-oil switch, etc., should be set in the special room outside the building;

When it is really necessary to arrange the adjacent civil buildings, the firewall should be used to separate the adjacent buildings, and the adjacent crowded places should not be attached. The fire resistance rating of this special room should not be lower than grade ii;

When it is really necessary to be arranged in civil buildings, it should not be arranged on the upper floor, the lower floor or adjacent floor in crowded places.

It should not be arranged on the upper layer, the lower layer or adjacent in crowded places, but should be changed to: when taking measures to prevent the explosion of equipment rooms from endangering the upper layer, the lower layer or adjacent places, it can be adjacent

4.2.2 dormitory should not be set up in the factory building. The setting of auxiliary rooms such as offices and lounges directly serving production shall comply with the following provisions:

3 the auxiliary rooms set in the class c workshop should be separated from other parts of the workshop by fire doors, fire resistant window, fire partition wall with a fire resistance limit of not less than 2.00h and floors with a fire resistance limit of not less than 1.00h, at least one independent safety exit should be set.

3.3.5 when the office and lounge are set in class c workshop, the fire partition wall floor with fire resistance limit not less than 2.50h and the floor with 1.00h shall be separated from other parts, and at least one independent safety exit shall be set. If interconnected doors need to be opened on the partition wall, type-B fire door should be adopted.

The minimum fire resistance limit of fire partition wall between class C plant and its internal office and lounge is changed from 2.50H to 2.00H

4.2.4 The variable (configuration) power stations adjacent to Class A and Class B factories and dedicated to Class A and Class B factories shall adopt a firewall without opening or an anti-explosion wall adjacent to face mask, the opening on the firewall adjacent to Class B plant should be Class A fire resistant window. Other Transformer (distribution) power stations should be set outside class A and Class B workshops and explosion risk areas, and should not be adjacent to Class A and Class B workshops.

3.3.8 change and a power distribution statio should not be set in class a and class B workshops or adjacent, and should not be set in dangerous areas of explosive gas and dust environment. For class a and class B factory dedicated 10kV and below variable, a power distribution statio, when the firewall without doors, windows, and openings are separated, it can be adjacent to one face mask, and should comply with the provisions of the current national standard "code for design of electrical installations in explosive hazardous environment" GB 50058 and other standards

The the power distributing station adjacent fire separation for the class a and class B workshops requires that the anti-explosion wall option is added in addition to the firewall.

4.2.7 fire doors, fire resistant window, the fire resistance limit is not less than fire partition wall h and the fire resistance limit is not less than 1.00h. The floor is separated from other parts, and an independent safety exit should be set.

3.3.9 when the office and lounge are set in c and d warehouses, the floor slab with fire resistance limit of not less than 2.50h and fire partition wall h shall be separated from other parts, and independent safety exits shall be set. When connecting doors need to be opened on the partition wall, type-B fire door should be adopted.

The minimum fire resistance limit of fire partition wall between C and D warehouses and their internal offices and lounges is changed from 2.50H to 2.00H.

4.3.2 buildings built with residential and non-residential functions shall comply with the following provisions:

1 except for the evacuation exit of the garage, the fire resistance limit between the residential part and the non-residential part shall be not less than 2.00h, and the fire partition wall without opening and the non-combustible floor slab with fire resistance limit not less than 2.00h shall be completely separated.

5.4.10 in addition to commercial service outlets, residential buildings and other buildings using functions shall comply with the following provisions:

1 between the residential part and the non-residential part, fire partition wall and 1.50h non-combustible floor slab with fire resistance limit of not less than 2.00h and no doors, windows and openings shall be completely separated; When it is a high-rise building, firewall without doors, windows and openings and incombustible floor with fire resistance limit not less than 2.00H shall be completely separated. The fire prevention measures between the upper and lower openings of the exterior wall of the building shall conform to the provisions of Article 6.2.5 of this specification.

The minimum fire resistance limit of the floor between the residential part and the non-residential part of the combined building is set to 2.00h, and the high-rise and non-high-rise buildings are no longer distinguished.

4.3.6 the arrangement and separation of inpatient wards in medical buildings shall comply with the following provisions:

1 should not be placed underground or semi-underground;

2 for three-level fire-resistant buildings, they should be arranged on the first floor or the second floor;

3 The adjacent nursing units in the building should be separated by fire partition wall and Class A fire door with a fire resistance limit of not less than 2.00H.

5.4.5 The hospitalization part of hospitals and nursing homes should not be set underground or semi-underground.

When the inpatient part of the hospital and sanatorium adopts three-level fire-resistant buildings, it should not exceed two floors; When adopting four-level fire-resistant buildings, it should be single-layer; When setting in three-level fire-resistant buildings, it should be arranged on the first floor or the second floor; When it is set in a building with grade 4 fire resistance, it should be arranged on the first floor.

The adjacent nursing units in the ward building of the hospital and sanatorium should be separated by fire partition wall with a fire resistance limit of not less than 2.00H. The door on the partition wall should be type-B fire door. The fire door set on the walkway should be normally open fire door.

Partition door between nursing units changed from type-B fire door to class a fire door

5.2.1 The fire resistance rating of the following industrial buildings shall be Grade I:

1 high-rise workshop with building height greater than 50m;

2 high-rise Class C warehouses with a building height of more than 32m, multi-layer Class C warehouses storing combustible liquid, and other multi-layer Class C warehouses with a building area of more than 3000 m² in each fire compartment

3.2.2 for high-rise factory buildings, the fire resistance rating of class a and class B factory buildings should not be lower than class ii, and independent class a and class B one-storied factory with a building area of no more than 300m2 can adopt class iii fire resistance grade buildings;

3.2.7 high rack storage. The fire resistance rating of high-rise warehouses, class a warehouses, multi-layer class B warehouses and multi-layer class c warehouses storing combustible liquids shall not be lower than class ii.

Added industrial building requirements with Class I fire resistance rating

5.3.2 the fire resistance rating of the following civil buildings shall not be lower than grade ii:

1 Class II high-rise civil buildings;

2 First floor and one layer and a half type civil airport terminal;

3 single and multi-storey crowded places with a total construction area greater than 1500m²

5.1.3 the fire resistance rating of civil buildings should be determined according to their building height, use function, importance and fire fighting difficulty, and should comply with the following provisions:

1 The fire resistance rating of underground or semi-underground buildings (rooms) and a class of high-rise buildings should not be lower than grade I;

2 fire resistance rating of single and multi-storey important public buildings and class ii high-rise buildings should not be lower than class ii

"Important public buildings" changed to "crowded places"

5.3.3 except for the buildings specified in Article 5.3.1 and article 5.3.2 of this specification, the fire resistance rating of the following civil buildings shall not be lower than grade III:

1 Civil buildings in urban and town centers;

2 elderly care facilities, teaching buildings, medical buildings

5.1.3 A except for wooden structures, the fire resistance rating of care facilities for the elderly should not be lower than grade iii

The minimum fire resistance rating of civil buildings, teaching buildings and medical buildings in urban and town centers is raised to level 3.

6.4.3 the fire resistance of the doors in the following parts should not be lower than the requirement of type-B fire door, except for the doors of the building directly through the outdoor and roof, and the doors of the corresponding parts of the building whose height is greater than 100m shall be Class A fire doors:

1 class a and class B workshops, multi-storey class c workshops, crowded public buildings and other high-rise industrial and civil buildings closed staircase doors;

2 Smoke-proof staircase and its front door;

3 The front room of the fire elevator or the door of the shared front room;

4 The front room opens to the door of the refuge aisle;

5 the door leading from the warehouse to the evacuation walkway or evacuation stairs in underground, semi-underground and multi-and high-rise warehouse;

6 room evacuation doors in entertainment venues for singing and dancing;

7 evacuation doors leading from indoor to outdoor evacuation stairs;

8 door set on fire partition wall with fire resistance limit not less than 2.00H

6.4.2 except for the provisions of Article 6.4.1 of this specification, the closed staircase shall meet the following provisions:

3 high-rise buildings, densely populated public buildings, densely populated multi-storey class c workshops, class a and class B workshops, the closed staircase doors should adopt type-B fire door, and should be opened to the direction of evacuation; other buildings can adopt two-way falling door;

6.4.3 the smoke-proof staircase shall not only comply with the provisions of article 6.4.1 of this specification, but also comply with the following provisions:

4. Type-B fire door shall be adopted for evacuation walkways leading to the front room and the front room leading to the staircase;

6.4.5 outdoor evacuation stairs shall comply with the following provisions:

4 The door leading to the outdoor stairs should be type-B fire door and open outward

In the case of the original minimum requirement of type-B fire door, it is uniformly improved to class a fire door in super high-rise buildings.

Added type-B fire door setting scenario requirements:

All multi-storey class c workshops, room evacuation doors of singing and dancing entertainment places, and doors set on fire partition wall with fire resistance limit not less than 2.00h

6.4.4 the inspection door on the shaft wall of the electrical shaft, pipeline shaft, chimney, air vent, garbage pipe, etc. shall comply with the following provisions:

1 for underground buildings or underground projects with buried depth greater than 10m, class a fire doors shall be used;

2 for buildings with a building height greater than 100m, class a fire doors shall be used;

3 the fire resistance of the door should not be lower than the requirement of type-B fire door for the joint front room of the shaft with no fire separation between floors and residential buildings;

4 for other buildings, the fire resistance of the door should not be lower than the requirements of class c fire doors. When the shaft has no horizontal fire separation at the floor, the fire resistance of the door should not be lower than the requirements of type-B fire door

6.2.9 the elevator shaft shaft in the building shall comply with the following provisions:

1 elevator shaft should be set independently. Combustible gas and class a, B and c liquid pipelines are strictly prohibited in the well, and cables and wires unrelated to elevators should not be laid. In addition to elevator doors, elevator shaft and vent holes, other openings should not be set for the shaft wall of emergency exit door;

2 vertical shafts such as cable wells, pipeline wells, chimney, air vent, and garbage tunnels should be set independently. The fire resistance limit of the shaft wall should not be less than 1.00h, and the inspection door on the shaft wall should adopt class c fire door

The inspection door on the shaft wall originally only stipulated the requirements for Class C fire doors, and the new standard added type-B fire door and Class A fire doors.

7.1.4 The Net width of evacuation exit doors, evacuation walkways, evacuation stairs, etc. shall comply with the following provisions:

1 the net width of evacuation exit doors and outdoor evacuation stairs shall not be less than 0.80m;

2 in residential buildings, the net width of the residential door with direct access to the outdoor ground should not be less than 0.80m. When the height of the residential building is not more than 18m and railings are set on one side, the net width of indoor evacuation stairs should not be less than 1.0m, and the net width of indoor evacuation stairs in other residential buildings should not be less than 1.1m;

7.1.5 there should be no objects affecting personnel evacuation at evacuation passages, evacuation walkways and evacuation exits, and obvious indication signs should be set at obvious positions of evacuation passages, evacuation walkways and evacuation exits. The net height of evacuation passages, evacuation walkways and evacuation exits shall not be less than 2.1m. Evacuation doors should be set up in the fire zone partition of evacuation walkways.

5.5.18 unless otherwise specified in this specification, the net width of evacuation doors and safety exits in public buildings shall not be less than 0.90m, and the net width of evacuation walkways and evacuation stairs shall not be less than 1.10m.

5.5.30 the total net width of each door, safety exit, evacuation corridor and evacuation stairs of residential buildings should be determined by calculation, and the net width of door and safety exit should not be less than 0.90m, evacuation walkways, the clear width of the evacuation stairs and the first floor evacuation outer door should not be less than 1.10m. If the height of the building is not more than 18m, the clear width of the evacuation stairs with railings should not be less than 1.0m.

The net width of the evacuation exit door, the outdoor evacuation stairs, and the minimum net width of the residential door that leads directly to the outdoor floor in the residential building shall be as low as not less than 0.80m.

The requirement that the net height of evacuation passages, evacuation walkways and evacuation exits should not be less than 2.1m is added.