The 2023 Brand Strategy Conference and the Hot Product Conference Were Held!

from:Network date:2023-03-25 reading:1296

A good door protects the happiness of a family. It is often said in the industry that a family has great strength, good health and happiness, on March 23, a 2023-brand strategy conference and explosion conference of jingwu Emperor with the theme of "breaking through the cohesion of explosive products" was held ceremoniously in Wuyi county of Zhejiang province meilingge Hot Spring International hotel! Hua Zida, chairman of jingwu emperor, and Tang Wenxing, marketing director, attended the meeting together with the company's staff, guests and excellent distributors in the country. This is a very warm and lively summit. Please feel the brand charm of the Emperor of martial arts with our camera!
Hua Zeda, chairman of Emperor Jingwu, delivered a speech As long as we continue to work hard and struggle tirelessly, there will be nothing that cannot be conquered. The brand genes of Emperor Jingwu always spread a spirit of perseverance. They are always grateful to customers and colleagues, and they uphold the enterprising Heart of daring to fight for their careers. These are the reasons why the emperor of martial arts can always move forward steadily. At the beginning of the meeting, Hua Zeda, chairman of Emperor Jingwu, first came to the stage to deliver a speech. Hua Dong bowed and said hello to everyone sincerely. He said that Emperor Jingwu had achieved remarkable results, it cannot be separated from the strong support and selfless dedication of all dealer families and staff. Here, I would like to express my high respect and heartfelt thanks to the national distributors who dare to fight and forge ahead and all the colleagues who have been quietly contributing to our career development for a long time! No accumulation, no even thousands of miles, for the development of the brand, can not be ignored because of a little achievement. We must have a clear understanding and long-term goals for future confusion and business opportunities. Huadong said that the Emperor of jingwu should keep up with the pace of the market and standardize the internal management of the enterprise based on the criteria of fast shipment, high quality, short delivery period and good service to every distributor, carry out innovative research and development of products based on the needs of market end customers. Focus on improving the profits of distributors and start the brand strategy upgrade. As long as we work hard together, we believe that the future is feasible! Hua Dong's passionate and loud speech was full of strength.
The morale of everyone at the summit was high and the atmosphere was warm. The spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease, and every distributor attending the meeting is full of ambition. From that kind of frame and state of winning, confident, we can get a glimpse of the confidence and influence brought to them by the Emperor of martial arts. If you don't fight unprepared battles, you can be invincible. Emperor Jingwu knows the way of war layout, as if it is the same as his brand concept, it takes real effort to do the door. Emperor Jingwu will lead distributors across the country to open up a successful road with unique characteristics of Emperor Jingwu with more full enthusiasm, higher morale and firmer faith. Jin Gotie Ma heard the drum and rushed to start a new journey day and night. In 2023, the Emperor of martial arts will surely be invincible, with countless surprises, and the future will surely shine brilliantly.
Huadong is a pragmatic and persistent person. With such an excellent helm leading the ship, the Emperor of jingwu will surely ride the wind and waves, lead the distributors all over the country, and then climb the new peak.

White silk brand marketing CMO Hu Rong releases brand strategy

Tactics can win a battle, strategy can win a war, the Emperor of jingwu is an excellent brand that pays great attention to strategic layout. At the meeting, the brand marketing CMO Hu Rong released the brand strategy of Emperor Jingwu. President Hu said that in the post-epidemic era, only products that sell high quality cost-effective products have a reputation and businesses with high reputation and added value can be sustainable. The Emperor of jingwu will use explosive products to break through, dry burst a flow product, detonate a strategic product, and realize a comprehensive breakthrough of the brand. Emperor Jingwu will work hard on "material selection", select suppliers, adhere to originality in deep cooperation with China Academy of Fine Arts, and plus-sized investment in digital production equipment. At the same time, plus-sized investment in "research and development, develop more patented products, increase endorsement from authoritative organizations to help the brand develop rapidly, further cooperate with international film and television superstars Danny Chan, make real environmental protection and make real silent wooden doors, make a real durable wooden door. Emperor Jingwu will carry out the upgrading of the company's team internally, continuously optimize the team system, and carry out the overall upgrading of education merchants and the overall upgrading of marketing externally. All this is to achieve both internal and external repair, fully empower distributors and improve market competitiveness. This professional and systematic operation shows that the Emperor of jingwu has strong strength.

Tang Wenxing, marketing director of Emperor Jingwu, spoke about strategic implementation

Strategy is a refined and executable business strategy, and its key lies in implementation. Tang Wenxing, marketing director of Emperor Jingwu, explained the specific implementation of the brand strategy. Mr. Tang said that in 2022, Emperor Jingwu had completed the strategic layout from the factory end to the distributor end to the end customer, the factory builds and improves the system of attracting investment, educating merchants and marketing from enterprise strategy, brand strategy, product strategy, channel strategy, price strategy, talent strategy, process strategy, etc. With the support of specific systems, we will do a good job on a spot and make good results. Naturally, there will be results, and our team has been improving execution and result orientation. In 2023, the Emperor of jingwu will focus on the brand strategic planning to ensure that the market can achieve the annual target and double the performance of distributors. Mr. Tang himself is a very pragmatic Executor. The marketing team he leads also pays special attention to the results. They are strong and powerful pioneers in the brand of Emperor Jingwu.

Only by taking advantage of the potential to develop, can we run faster!

Emperor Jingwu signed a contract with Bai Mu marketing

Emperor of jingwu signed a contract with Huiya media

Emperor of jingwu signed with kujiale

Emperor of jingwu signed with China wooden door Network

Emperor of jingwu contract with door industry vision

Emperor of jingwu sign with TikTok

Only by taking advantage of the potential development can we run faster and hand over professional affairs to professional people, so that enterprises can avoid detours. The Stone of other mountains can attack Jade, and the Emperor of martial arts is well versed in the way of rapid development of enterprises. They signed strategic cooperation with many institutions, such as Baiji brand marketing, Huiya Media, kujiale, China wooden door Network, door industry vision, TikTok and so on, and moved forward side by side with the industry leaders, it will surely bring the Emperor of fine martial arts to a new level.

Kujiale senior lecturer on-site teaching

After getting through the last kilometer, I really helped the dealers to make orders and kill orders. The Emperor of jingwu understood the pain points of the partners. This time, I specially invited the senior lecturer of kujiale, a well-known design and sales software organization in the industry, to give on-site lectures. What you see is what you get, and the quotation is one step faster than the opponent, and the effect is achieved, thus killing orders more effectively. The teacher described the role of design in sales with specific cases. In the digital age, tools should be used to improve performance. With this practical and good tool, I believe it will be easier to do the market.

CMO Hu Rong's explanation of Baiji brand marketing

This is a meeting that pays great attention to practical knowledge and practical operation methods, which can be said to be particularly grounded. It's all Dry Goods. I can use it after learning it. CMO Hu Rong explained in detail the selling points and marketing skills of Emperor Jingwu's products. After listening to the selling points of the products, everyone gave thumbs up one after another. Some dealers sighed, "there are so many doorways in the current products, and the added value is also high. Go back and do a big job, the sales volume will definitely double!"

Tiktok lecturer devoted to teaching Where the traffic is, the customer is. As a phenomenon-level media product, TikTok has become an important channel for everyone to obtain information. The Emperor of jingwu also kept pace with the times and had a strategic cooperation with TikTok. He specially invited the lecturer of TikTok to teach you how to do TikTok well. With the blessing of TikTok, there are more channels to know the Emperor of Jingwu. The ubiquitous brand mark will naturally increase its popularity.

Tang Wenxing, marketing director of Emperor Jingwu, released new products

It began to come out with thousands of calls, and the pipa was half covered. Everyone is particularly looking forward to seeing new products. They are covered by red veil, which makes people curious. Finally, when the new product was released, director Tang Wenxing came to the stage to uncover the mystery for everyone and released six new products newly launched by Emperor Jingwu this year. All of them are outstanding. The style is bright, or Meiko, or restrained, or all-matching, or expensive, sweet and salty, making people shine at the moment, so happy!

Dealers are full of praise for new products

Dealers have swiped their cards to sign orders one after another. Before, there were far-sighted leaders, and after that, there were the support of the team's practical officers. There were also Fist products and various good tools, and the comprehensive empowerment of good policies. Everyone went to the signing office to sign the bill one after another. "This time, not only the product is awesome, but also the company's policy is beyond reach. I am, we should seize this opportunity to sign the bill, go back and do it, and strive to double the sales volume." An old dealer said to the author, seeing his full confidence, he must have done a good business.

Chairman Hua Zeda's dinner speech there are the most pragmatic dry goods during the day and the most wonderful carnival at night. May everyone stand the wind and rain and enjoy the prosperity. At the dinner, Chairman Hua Zeda delivered a toast. He expressed sincere gratitude to everyone for their arrival and hoped that everyone would make progress together in the big family of the Emperor of Jingwu and achieve a good harvest for both career and family. Let's drink to our struggling self and better life in the future!

The God of Wealth sends money, and the money is rolling in

Wonderful dance, dancing Smells Like Teen Spirit

Famous singer a Niu sang live at the dinner party, everyone tasted delicious food while enjoying art programs, as well as exchanging experiences about life and selling. In particular, the appearance of famous singer a Niu brought the dinner atmosphere to a climax. A Niu sang his own song of jingwu gate industry. This tailor-made song is full of brand honor.

Pay tribute to the power of example and recognize advanced figures

Example is like a beacon in our advance, which has always guided the later generations to grow up.. At the dinner party, Emperor Jingwu presented outstanding Distributor Award, Outstanding Distributor Award, Outstanding Distributor Award, meritorious Distributor Award, etc. Behind the heavy honor is the strong recognition of the company and the spur to move forward. I believe everyone can carry forward the past and make great achievements again!

Waves of lucky draw make people scream

This is a sincere event. At the dinner party, everyone can eat well and drink well, as well as the laughter brought by various wonderful programs. The key is also a wave of abundant gifts. Through the big screen, many dealers won the grand prize one after another. This kind of good luck made them smile happily and excited.

The record is beautiful, and the meeting takes photos. In the past, it can be thrown, and in the future, Dapeng will rise with the same wind one day, soaring up jiuwanli. Jingwu Emperor 2023 brand strategy conference and explosive product conference have been a complete success. The brave emperor of martial arts will go to a new journey with a new mission. Since I have chosen the distance, I only care about the ups and downs. Since the goal is the horizon, what is left to the world is only the back. I believe that this group of people with dreams will surely create a new legend. Come on, the Emperor of martial arts!