National Development and Reform Commission: Vigorously Promote the Construction of 102 Major Projects in the 14 Th Five-Year Plan and Other Major Economic and Social Projects!

from:Network date:2023-03-28 reading:1312

On March 26, the 2023 annual meeting of China Development Forum opened in Beijing. Zheng Jinjie, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced at the meeting that in the ten years of the new era, China's economy has withstood heavy risks and challenges, made historic achievements and undergone historic changes. At present, China's economic development trend is steady, and the overall trend is good.

Zheng jinjai, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said:


In terms of supply, it has steadily improved, agriculture has remained stable, industrial growth has accelerated, service industry has recovered strongly, accommodation and catering have increased by 11.6 percent year-on-year, and software and information have increased by 9.3 percent Polytechnical services. From the perspective of demand, it recovered steadily. The total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 3.5%, and the demand for service consumption suppressed in the early stage recovered rapidly, fixed asset investment increased by 5.5 percent. While domestic demand accelerated its recovery, exports overcame many difficulties and increased by 0.9 percent. From the perspective of confidence, stability has increased. The purchasing manager index of manufacturing industry and the non-manufacturing business activity index in February both reached a new high in recent years, and market expectations have improved significantly.


In terms of innovation and improvement of macro-control, China will continue to expand domestic demand, strengthen the coordination of policies such as finance, currency, employment, industry, investment and consumption, and form a joint force to jointly promote high-quality development. Give full play to the basic role of consumption in economic growth, actively expand effective investment, vigorously and orderly promote 102 major projects in the 14th Five-Year Plan and other major economic and social projects. Encourage and support the healthy development of social investment.


In the aspect of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, we will solidly promote the construction of a high-standard market system, create a first-class business environment with marketization, legalization and internationalization, and implement a high level of opening to the outside world.


This year, we will also promote the development of urban and rural areas as a whole. Comprehensively promote rural revitalization, cultivate new industrial forms and new models in rural areas, and broaden the channels for farmers to increase income and become rich. In the aspect of overall development and security, we should ensure the safety of important resources such as food and energy, continuously improve the resilience and security level of the industrial chain and supply chain; We should prevent and resolve risks in the fields of finance, real estate, etc, build a long-term mechanism to prevent and resolve risks.

Zheng Zhanjie, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the great potential of China's economy, peaceful and steady development, will promote the process of world economic recovery to be stable and practical, it will also provide investors at home and abroad with extremely broad cooperation space and very valuable development opportunities. It can be said that walking with China is walking with opportunities, and investing in China is investing in the future.