The 6 Th Shandong Green Building and Building Energy Saving New Technology Products Expo Will Be Held Grandly

from:Network date:2023-03-28 reading:1265

On the morning of March 28, the provincial housing and urban-rural construction department and Rizhao Municipal People's Government jointly held a press briefing to publicize the 6th Shandong green building and building energy-saving new technology products expo (hereinafter referred to as "Green Expo"). Wang runxiao, member of the Party group and deputy director of the provincial housing and urban construction department, Zhang Jinmei, member of the party group of Rizhao municipal people's government and vice mayor, Yin Tao, second-level inspector of the provincial housing and urban construction department, Shi Yongpeng, director of energy conservation science and technology department, wang Huapeng, Party secretary and director of Rizhao Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau, attended the meeting, introduced the relevant situation, answered questions from reporters, and officially launched the Green Expo Portal (

Approved by the provincial government, this green expo is jointly sponsored by the provincial housing and urban construction department and Rizhao Municipal People's Government with the theme of "accelerating green and low-carbon transformation and building beautiful and livable urban and rural areas". It is scheduled for April 15-17, held in Rizhao International Expo Center, it is divided into two parts: Exhibition and Forum activities.

The Green Expo exhibition includes development achievement exhibition and new technology product exhibition. Among them, the development achievement exhibition area consists of the development achievement exhibition stands of the whole province and 16 districts and cities, and focuses on showing the green and low-carbon development achievements of urban and rural construction in our province since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; The new technology product exhibition mainly shows green and low-carbon buildings, new technologies and new products in the fields of new building industrialization, green building materials, digital housing construction, green city, beautiful Village residence, etc. At the same time, supporting the provincial construction industry painting and calligraphy photography exhibition exhibition of fine works.

There are 21 Forum activities in total, focusing on the hot issues of green and low-carbon development of urban and rural construction, high-quality development of construction industry, industrialization of new buildings, digital housing construction, innovation empowerment and other industries, a forum will be held, 15 sub-forums, 2 working meetings and 3 promotion activities, with high level, wide range and solid content, strive to create an academic exchange event in the field of urban and rural construction with national influence.

This green expo reflects three characteristics.

First, the display effect is more vivid, inviting more than 200 domestic and foreign enterprises, scientific research institutions, etc. to participate in the display, paying more attention to scenario-based applications, immersion experience, and building physical exhibits such as ultra-low energy consumption buildings on site, display cutting-edge technology products such as building robots, smart city management, passive doors and windows, green building materials, and other applicable inclusive products.

Secondly, academic exchanges are more abundant. Cui Kai, Hao Jiming and other academicians, survey and design masters and more than 80 well-known experts and scholars in the industry are invited to carry out technical exchanges around hot issues in urban and rural construction, activities such as policy interpretation focus on creating an academic discussion atmosphere with collision, integration, discussion, reference and learning.

Thirdly, the organizational form is more novel, adhering to the principle of "public welfare exhibition, convenience for the people and enterprises", not collecting participation fees and membership fees from exhibitors and participants, and opening the Green Expo Portal website for the first time, the exhibition site and all forum activities are broadcast live online. At the same time, supporting activities such as product release, centralized procurement negotiation, Enterprise Promotion, project recruitment and so on will provide a broader platform for publicity, display, cooperation and exchange for participating enterprises.

Next, the provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, accelerate the transformation of urban and rural construction mode and development mode, and take meeting people's growing needs for a better life as the fundamental purpose, in plus-sized, the development of urban and rural construction of green and low carbon will be strengthened, and the concept of green development will be carried out throughout the whole process and aspects of housing construction work. The urban renewal action will be carried out in depth to create a livable, resilient and smart city, promote the overall revitalization of the countryside, build livable and suitable beautiful villages and towns, deepen the reform and innovation of the construction industry, improve the level of industrialization, digitalization and greening, and vigorously promote the high-quality development of housing and urban construction in our province, make greater contributions to the construction of green, low-carbon and high-quality development leading areas.

The 6th Shandong province green building and building energy saving new technology

Product Expo forum activity agenda