Local Standards | Technical Standards for Exterior Doors and Windows of Civil Buildings in Hainan Province Approved

from:Network date:2023-03-29 reading:1396

According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hainan province, on the release of the local standards for Hainan province's engineering construction in 2023, formulate and revise the project approval catalogue (Phase I) notice (Qiong Jianding letter [2023] No. 77), "Hainan civil building exterior doors and windows engineering technical standards" was approved. This standard is jointly compiled by tropical Architectural Science Research Institute (Hainan) Co., Ltd. and Jianke Huaneng Technology Co., Ltd.

On the one hand, layouts for standards is the need to practice the national standardization development outline and implement the national and Hainan provincial policies and guidelines on green and energy conservation development, on the other hand, it is also an important starting point to promote technological innovation and standardized development in the field of exterior doors and windows. Layouts for standards optimize the performance of exterior doors and windows of civil buildings in Hainan province and promote the standardization of exterior doors and windows by standardizing the material selection, processing, installation, construction, completion and acceptance of exterior doors and windows, ensure the quality of doors and windows products and engineering quality, so that the design, construction and acceptance of new, rebuilt and expanded doors and windows outside the building in Hainan province have standards to follow and rules to follow.

Standard contact:
Liu Huitao 18910287687
Zhao Qian 15801668493