Huan Xin Set off · Di Jian's Future | Dios Doors and Windows 2023 Marketing Summit and Brand Spokesperson Conference Were Successfully Held!

from:Network date:2023-04-03 reading:1311

On March 31, 2023, dios doors and windows the 2023 national distributor conference and spokesperson conference were held ceremoniously in Foshan Dongping Poly Intercontinental hotel! Yongxing Group dios doors and windows chairman Wu sibing, executive chairman of Guangdong door industry association Xu Sheng, dios doors and windows president Wu Shangrong, deputy general manager Xie Zhiling, assistant to chairman Zeng Jun, marketing general manager Tang Yiling and other senior leaders, as well as media friends, industry experts, leading guests of various associations, and leaders from all over the country dios doors and windows the distributor attended the event. Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, the conference discussed and talked about the customized format of doors and windows in China and the development strategy of Dios 2023. Dios officials announced a new spokesperson and jointly launched the new champion product, pass on Dios's concept of "champion quality.

Conference speech · Opening ceremony

At the beginning of the meeting, dios doors and windows chairman Wu sibing made welcome and opening addressed, and Wu Dong greatly affirmed the work performance of dealer partners and all employees in 2022. Three years have passed since the epidemic. During this period of difficulties and opportunities, the company has withstood various tests and created industry miracles one after another. In 2023, full of hope, Wu Dong called on all Dios to closely focus on the development goal of "sustained, stable, efficient and rapid" and implement the strategic deployment of "upholding of four principles, work together to achieve scale expansion, create new profit growth points, expand territory and create greater glory!

Later, Xu Sheng, executive president of Guangdong door Industry Association, said: looking back on the past year, dios doors and windows we have achieved steady leap and parallel development of various channels. This result makes us look forward to 2023 more. We will move forward with more steady pace and strategic planning, I believe that while taking product quality as the foundation and sticking to the value management concept, I have confidence and strength to open up a new pattern for my own development.

Annual Review · theme summary
At the beginning of the conference, under the spotlight, dios doors and windows the heads of each core department introduced the summary of the annual sales overview, brand and market strategy, product research and development and the work plan for 2023. The conference clearly expressed the sales direction and target of Dios in 2023. 2023 dios doors and windows with more targeted sales strategies and more humanized product combinations, the development of different channels will be coordinated to achieve a new stage of leap.

Dios doors and windows tang Yiling, general manager of marketing, gave a keynote speech: dios doors and windows after 19 years of deep cultivation of doors and windows industry, we have been constantly striving for a better life for consumers. Mr. Tang said that in 2023, Dios will further empower distributors to explore the market plus-sized to help distributors "attack cities and pull villages"; Continue to strengthen the research and development and promotion of new products, and further upgrade the brand terminal image, implement precise marketing policies and do all kinds of marketing work around the troika of products, brands and channels ".

Kong Yichen, marketing director, said: looking forward to 2023, we will keep steady pace and make more innovative achievements. 2023 dios doors and windows with more targeted sales strategies and marketing teams to empower terminals, the development of different channels will be coordinated to achieve a new stage of leap. We look forward to embracing changes with you and bravely meeting new challenges.

Fan Yuqin, brand director: New Year, dios doors and windows ready, new VI and SI images, new products, new spokesmen, three major actions blessing, brand butterfly change, further enhance Dios brand awareness and market share. And constantly strengthen Dios's positioning of high-end brands in the door and window industry.

Zong Shutao, store design department: What offline stores undertake is not only a convenient shopping experience, but also the most intuitive image embodiment of the brand. This year, we took more standardized measures in store display, promotion of important nodes, new product listing and new product training, and optimized and upgraded in many aspects, and achieved remarkable results.

Production director Lai Jiangping: improve production capacity, build intelligent production mode, build internal team culture, strengthen management requirements, plus-sized quality construction efforts, strengthen comprehensive operation quality data, product detail management, comprehensively improve customer service and strive to meet the needs of distributors.

Signing ceremony · Qiang Qiang teamed up

The signing ceremony dios doors and windows mr. Wu Shangrong, President and red Star Macalline general manager of door and window floor business unit, juran home general manager of Foshan store, sina home general manager of door and window industry , Hua iron media responsible person, yongda media the first business group, the first general manager of the business group, carried out signing ceremony of strategic cooperation.

The signing of this cooperation will be dios doors and windows brand development continues to exert force and expand more possibilities at the same time. With strong influence and communication power dios doors and windows provide comprehensive and deep-level technical support and communication support enable brands to obtain higher exposure. Boost dios doors and windows further strengthen the strategic layout and realize the new leap of brand development.

Champion endorsement · signing ceremony

At the press conference, dios doors and windows the official declared a new brand spokesperson-- world Table Tennis champion Xu Xin. Xu Xin's spirit of sunshine, positive energy and daring to fight table tennis perfectly fits with Dios's brand culture of forging ahead and sticking to quality. Invite Xu Xin as the new generation brand spokesperson, convey Dios's corporate philosophy of high standards and strict requirements for product quality to consumers, and redefine doors and windows with "champion quality!

At the conference site, launch a new champion joint-name "Xin" series-- xintu series casement window, Jinghui series extremely narrow system sliding door, Jinyue series double in-swinging casement window, Jinrui series medium narrow increase sliding door four new products appeared at the same time, with powerful mute, heat insulation, windproof, the rainproof function and ultra-high appearance are amazing to everyone. Once again, I have seen the powerful product label of Huan Xin's departure.

At the meeting, dios doors and windows mr. Wu sibing, chairman of the board, Xu Xin, brand spokesperson, and strategic partners jointly released 4.23 with the theme of "imagination, quiet world, noise reduction for Beauty" dios doors and windows launch ceremony of white paper on World noise free day!

Award ceremony · Big Business sharing

Three years of epidemic, dios doors and windows the reason why we can withstand the severe test and realize the growth against the trend depends on the emergence of a batch of distributors with strong business ability and high executive power. They always work in the same direction with the company and never give up. Today, we are participating in the grand event and awarding awards to excellent distributors, which is not only the biggest affirmation of the headquarters for their efforts in the past year, but also the sincere thanks of the company for the trust and support of distributor partners. Looking forward to the new year, continue to work together to create good results!

Although the road is far away, the line will come; Although it is difficult, it will be done. Excellent Distributors share from the heart, interpret the way of success of distributors, and let other distributors present resonate with empathy!

Thank you dinner · Moutai fun

Dios doors and windows

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"Dios 2023, must win, must win! " with dios doors and windows wu Dong, president Wu and marketing backbone toast, dinner officially opened! Moutai fun, have a good drink! Push the Cup to change, thank the Dios family for walking together; Fill the wine to celebrate, celebrate today's rare gathering; Specially invited famous singer team to bring wonderful performances to the guests!

At the thank-you dinner, dios doors and windows the national distributor conference ended perfectly in 2023. In the future, Dios will continue to work hand in hand with all distributors to inject new vitality and vigor into China's door and window customization industry and move towards a better and shining new chapter. Strive for progress in stability, gain momentum and generate stronger and more lasting innovation and development vitality.