China Building Materials Circulation Association Was Invited to Attend Malaysia-China Economic and Trade Forum

from:Network date:2023-04-04 reading:1288

On April 1, the Malaysia-China Economic and Trade Forum was held at the China Grand Hotel in Beijing. Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar and Malaysia's Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Ministry of Science and Technology, ministers of major agencies such as the Ministry of Tourism attended the forum and communicated with nearly a thousand entrepreneurs from China and Malaysia.

This is Anwar's first visit to China since he took office as Malaysian Prime Minister in last November. This Malaysia-China Economic and Trade Forum is an important activity to cooperate with Prime Minister Anwar's official visit to China.

Chen Yuan, the special representative of the president of Qin zhanxue of China Building Materials Circulation Association, was invited to attend the forum.


Chen Yuan, secretary general of China Building Materials Circulation Association

As the special representative of the president of Qin zhanxue, he was invited to attend the forum activities.

At the forum, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar said that China has always been Malaysia's most reliable friend and one of the most important partners, and the cooperation potential between the two sides in the economic and trade field is huge, the Malaysian government is willing to work with the Chinese government and enterprises to make use of the strong bilateral and trade relations between Malaysia and China to promote the sustainable economic development of the two countries. China has been Malaysia's largest trading partner for 14 consecutive years, with the total trade volume reaching 110.6 billion US dollars in 2022. In terms of investment in 2022, China was Malaysia's largest source country of foreign investment, with a total investment of 12.5 billion US dollars. In terms of regional economic and trade relations, Malaysia and China will continue to deepen the existing cooperation on the strategy of "The Belt and Road Initiative, and closely participate in the" China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (ACFTA) "with other Asian Member States".


Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar

Anwar said: "I assure you that during my term of office, I will ensure that I will get the greatest convenience in doing business and investing in Malaysia." The Premier borrowed a Chinese proverb and said, "when the wind of change blows, some artificial walls and some artificial windmills", we advocate taking advantage of the trend, unswervingly promoting free trade, and clearly oppose protectionism, actively expand regional economic cooperation and build a global value chain."

Anwar also said that Malaysia attaches great importance to new energy, digitization and food security. During this visit to China, bilateral trade investment reached 170 billion ringgit, a record high in Malaysia.