Ouxiang Doors and Windows Open the Product Strategy Model and Firmly Differentiate and Break the Situation!

from:Network date:2023-04-09 reading:1247

On April 6-7, Ouxiang doors and windows were invited to attend the breaking event organized by win-win window manager. Ouxiang and the brand-new seamless welding series of products made an amazing appearance in the event.

In this breaking feast that brought together many doors and windows brands, Ouxiang doors and windows jumped into public view in the position of black horse, exposing seamless welding series products in brand activities for the first time, and pushed it to the market in the form of explosive products, which obviously attracted the attention of the insiders, and the ingenious production technology also aroused the heated discussion of the audience on the spot.

On the stage of the grand event, Wu Changqing, marketing director of Ouxiang doors and windows, delivered a speech on the 2023 breaking strategy.

The event was full of enthusiasm, and the doors and windows of Ouxiang gathered a large number of people interested in seamless welding exhibits.

In the event, many insiders were attracted by the seamless welding products of Ouxiang, and arrived at the headquarters of Ouxiang doors and windows on April 7 for further understanding.

Because of the large number of audiences, in order to ensure the visiting experience and the personal safety of the audience, Ouxiang arranged the staff to organize the audience to guide according to the three lines of production workshop, product exhibition hall and outdoor product explanation.

Although diversion guidance has been made, there are still a huge crowd of people in Ouxiang headquarters, and visitors are constantly consulting with on-site staff, with high interest.

Choose Ouxiang and enjoy what you think. With advanced product research and development, ultra-high price refreshing industry cognition, supplemented by a professional service team of nearly 200 people, to build the first door and window brand in the industry to independently produce seamless welding products, it is believed that the doors and windows of Ouxiang will glow and heat in this general direction and make a breakthrough. However, the distance that Ouxiang doors and windows want to reach is more than this. We want to be the breaker of the home furnishing industry, inject fresh blood of doors and windows products into the industry, and create a new field of system doors and windows! We will wait and see.